Well its the new year... like 22 days ago... but o well. Anyway I can honestly say I don't have a new years resolution. Its more like a continued resolution. Ha ha.
1. POTTY TRAIN BRYN ALREADY... She is being rather stubborn.
2. Start eating healthier... Actually make time to make dinners. Its hard cause I just want to go to bed by the time I'm home.
3. Find a job closer to home
4. Find my OWN place, if I have a roomie that is fine, I just need to get out.
And thats all folks. :)
O let me tell you my story of the month. So I went clubbing with my girl friends and when we came out to my car I found my car had been broken into. They shattered my passenger window and stole my friends and mine purse and my back pack. I was rather upset. I had all my divorce papers in my back pack so they have all my information + Chris's + Bryns. GRRRR. Oh and I lost all of my books, over $200 dollars worth and can't afford anymore. I'm rather upset. But its all good though. :)End of Story.
Does God Send Birds As Signs
8 months ago
You called the police, right? That is really dangerous for all your information to be floating around like that! I am sure you did everything you could though. :)