So Chris said he would give me some pictures of bryn in her costume cause he got her for Halloween so I'll post some later... Hopefully. I have to admit it. I am exhausted. I broke down crying today, I just don't know how I'm going to find the energy to keep doing it, but lately I've been reminding myself that people do it all the time. I know my life isn't easy, but it isn't hard either. There are people out there that have it worst. But some how I feel to exhausted and worn out and depressed to think about them. I need a little boost. So here it is.
1. My grades are B's. So that is good.
2 .My daughter loves to wake up when I get home from school and tell me how her day was and what she did. Yes she really can carry on a conversation. :)
3. I have amazing girl friends who always know how to make me laugh, smile, or give me confidence.
4. I have a wonderful sister, even though she is far away (half way across the united states) she still knows what to say to help me know I'm doing the right things. (and help proof read my essays)! You know who you are James.
5. I also have a job that pays enough to pay the bills. That alone is more than some people. With my Job I have amazing working buddies who always make me laugh. Whether its telling stories behind the Caddy Shack movie to saying they are leaving a 5 at the wendy's window and driving away because instead of giving them their change they give them another meal. They always make me laugh.
So This is just what i have to remember the next time I want to sit down and cry. That I don't have an elaborate life, but a good life that I control. I have a little girl in my life that depends on me for alot of things (like bug juices) so I gotta make sure I can keep these blessings working for me so I don't loose it.
Till next time.... Keep those chins up!!!! :)
Does God Send Birds As Signs
8 months ago
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