Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Birthday

Jakey and Me, he is my love. My best gay friend! As you look at these photos you'll understand my last post. I don't know where my life is going, but I know that I want to change my life. I want to be better. I went down hill so bad that now I don't know what to do. What do you do when you've gone so far down that you don't think you 'll be able to pull yourself back up. All I ever wanted was to be an example, be a good person. Have a family and live a full life for with my family. Now that its over, but yet its not. I think that my life is going on a wrong turn. But I'm strong and I know I'll pull through.

Blake, Devon and Chris. My really good guy friends that I love!

Brit, Erica, Karrisa and V
Elayne and me, we are meant for each other
My 24th birthday
Miss Erica

Ashlee and some strange guy I don't know.
My roomies threw me a party and I don't think I knew half of the people there. There was alot of drama, guy fights, but it was pretty cool, and it was way fun. I love my friends!

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